November 20, 2018

Three Venezuelans, including the former Venezuelan national treasurer and the owner of a major news network, charged with FCPA conspiracy and money laundering offenses

The Department of Justice announced that Raul Gorrin Belisario, a Venezuelan national who owns the Globovision news network, has been charged in a money laundering scheme involving the exchange of foreign currency in Venezuela.  Two members of the alleged conspiracy, former Venezuelan treasurer Alejandro Andrede Cedeno, and a Venezuelan businessman, Gabriel Arturo Jimenez Aray, have pleaded guilty to money laundering conspiracy charges.  The scheme involved the payment of expenses and luxury acquisitions for Andrade in exchange for the right to conduct foreign currency exchanges for the Venezuelan government.  Andrade has agreed to forfeit $1 billion, along with all assets connected with the corrupt scheme.  He and Jimenez will be sentenced in November.

DOJ press release | Gorrin indictment | Jimenez plea agreement | Andrade plea agreement