March 1, 2019

OFAC designates Venezuelan security officials involved in preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the populace

The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of the Treasury has designated six Venezuelan security officials associated with the regime of Nicolas Maduro, pursuant to Executive Order 13692.  The designations follow actions by groups controlled by the designated individuals aimed at preventing humanitarian aid from entering Venezuela.  The individuals include the commanding general of the Guardia Nacional Bolivariana, the commander of the Región Estratégica de Defensa Integral Guayana, division generals of the Zona Operativa de Defensa Integral for Bolivar and Tachira states, the chief commissioner of the Fuerzas de Acciones Especiale in Tachira, and the director of the national police.   The US property of the designated individuals, and entities in which they own 50% or more, are blocked and must be reported to OFAC.

OFAC press release