June 28, 2019

OFAC designates the son of Nicolas Maduro

The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of the Treasury has designated Nicolas Ernesto Maduro Guerra pursuant to Executive Order 13692, for being an official in the government of his father, Nicolas Maduro Moros, in Venezuela.  Maduro Guerra was elected as a member of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela, and was appointed by his father in 2014 to head the Corps of Inspectors of the Presidency.  According to OFAC, Maduro Guerra has profited from Venezuelan mining resources, has helped devise a strategy to prevent humanitarian aid from entering Venezuela, and has worked to increase censorship of Venezuela’s telecommunications infrastructure.  As a result of the designation, US property interests of Maduro Guerra are blocked, and US persons are prohibited from dealing with them.

US Dept. of the Treasury press release