August 30, 2019

Vessel designated for transporting Iranian oil for the benefit of the IRGC-QF

Today the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control designated a vessel, the Adrian Darya 1, and its captain, Akhilesh Kumar, pursuant to Executive Order 13224, which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorism or acts of terrorism.  According to OFAC, the Adrian Darya 1 transported 2.1 million barrels of Iranian crude oil for the benefit of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF), which was designated in 2007 pursuant to Executive Order 13244, and has provided material support to the Taliban, Hizballah, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.  The IRGC-QF’s parent organization, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was designated in 2017 pursuant to Executive Order 13224, and as a Foreign Terrorist Organization in 2019. 

Following these designations, US property of the vessel and its captain is blocked, and US persons are generally prohibited from dealing with such property.  Persons that engage in certain transactions with designated entities may themselves to exposed to sanctions or enforcement action.

US Dept. of the Treasury press release