November 19, 2019

Portuguese engineering company debarred by World Bank

On November 13, 2019, the World Bank announced that engineering services company PROCESL Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental, S.A. and three wholly-owned subsidiaries have been debarred for one year because of “fraudulent and obstructive practices” on a World Bank-financed project in Brazil.  According to the World Bank, PROCESL overstated the number of hours worked by one of its employees, and obstructed a World Bank investigation into the matter by creating after-the-fact false documents to support the claimed hours.  In its press release, the World Bank Group said that PROCESL received a reduced period of debarment due to its “cooperation and voluntary remedial actions.”  The settlement agreement requires continued cooperation, along with a commitment from the company to develop an integrity compliance program consistent with World Bank principles.

World Bank press release