The Office of Foreign Assets Control has designed CEIEC, a Chinese technology company, pursuant to Executive Order 13692, as amended, for providing financial, material or technological support for actions or policies that undermine democracy in Venezuela. According to OFAC, the Maduro regime uses CEIEC technology to repress political dissent, through its collaboration with the Venezuelan National Telephone Company, CANTV. As described by OFAC, CANTV uses hardware and software provided by CEIEC to censor or block internet access and internet communications.
In recognition that business ties with CEIEC and its 200 subsidiaries around the world may take time to unravel, OFAC has issued General License 38, which authorizes transactions and activities otherwise prohibited by Executive Order 13692 that are necessary for the wind-down of transactions involving CEIEC. The provisions of GL 38 expire on January 14, 2021.
Following the designation of CEIEC, all US property of CEIEC or its subsidiaries is blocked, and transactions by US persons or persons within the US that involve blocked property or designated persons are generally prohibited.
US Dept of the Treasury press release | General License 38