December 18, 2020

OFAC designates biometric technology company and its directors for supporting Maduro regime’s fraudulent elections

On December 18, 2020, the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control designated the Ex-Cle Soluciones Biometricas C.A. and its two directors, pursuant to Executive Order 13692, as amended, for providing material support to the Maduro regime’s fraudulent December 6, 2020 parliamentary election.

Ex-Cle C.A. is a biometric technology company that has contracts worth millions of dollars with the Maduro regime, and along with its parent company, Ex-Cle S.A., began providing management solutions for Maduro’s National Electoral Counsel (aka CNE – Consejo Nacional Electoral) in 2004.  In 2016, Ex-Cle C.A. became the regime’s electoral hardware and software vendor, and has helped the CNE purchase thousands of voting machines, utilizing foreign vendors that were previously sanctioned by the OFAC.

As a result of these designations, all US property for the individuals and entity is blocked, and all transactions and dealings with US persons are generally prohibited.  In addition, any entity in the US that is owned fifty percent or more, directly or indirectly, by a sanctioned individual or entity is also blocked.

OFAC Press Release