June 9, 2021

EU annuls sanctions against former Iranian official

On June 9, 2021, an EU General Court annulled sanctions related to Sayed Shamsuddin Bordorudi that were implemented under Regulation (EU) 2019/855 on May 27, 2019, implementing Regulation (EU) No. 267/2012, concerning restrictive measures against Iran.  Bordorudi had been sanctioned by the Council in 2011 as the Deputy Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), a designated organization, and for his involvement with the Iranian nuclear program since 2002.  The court decided that Bordorudi should be removed from the sanctions list after he demonstrated that he stopped working for the AEOI in August of 2013 and no longer had any relationship with the organization.  This ruling may also apply to subsequent provisions related to Bordorudi if the actions against him would be deemed unlawful based on the evidence presented in the current case, even if Bordorudi had not specifically challenged the provisions.

Judgment of the General Court