On June 9, 2021, the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control designated four Ortega regime supporters pursuant to Executive Order 13851, “Blocking Property of Certain Contributing to the Situation in Nicaragua,” that targets officials of the Nicaraguan government or former officials who served at any time on or after January 10, 2007. OFAC sanctioned Camila Antonia Ortega Murillo, the daughter of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and Coordinator of the Creative Economy Commission; Leonardo Ovidio Reyes Ramirez, the President of the Central Bank of Nicaragua; Edwin Ramon Castro Rivera, a deputy of the Nicaraguan National Assembly; and Julio Modesto Rodriguez Balladares, a Brigadier General of the Nicaraguan Army and Executive Director of the Military Social Welfare Institute.
As a result of these OFAC designations, all US property is blocked, and any transactions with these persons are generally prohibited. In addition, any entity in the US that is owned fifty percent or more by a sanctioned person is also blocked.
Department of Treasury Press Release | Nicaragua-related Designations