December 26, 2021

World Bank debars India-based waste management company for 20-months

On December 8, 2021, the World Bank Group announced the 20-month debarment of India-based Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited (REEL), a waste management and environmental services company, for engaging in “fraudulent practices” in connection with work associated with the Capacity Building for Industrial Pollution Management Project in India.  In 2014, REEL submitted a bid for the closure and containment of a municipal solid waste dumpsite.  According to the World Bank, REEL and its Managing Director, M. Goutham Reddy, did not disclose in that bid a subcontractor REEL would use on the project.  The World Bank further stated that REEL failed to obtain prior approval before subcontracting work under the contract, and that, in 2017, REEL made misrepresentations to the World Bank regarding the subcontracting arrangement.
As part of a settlement with the World Bank, REEL and Reddy did not contest responsibility for the improper conduct.  The World Bank stated that REEL and Reddy received a reduced period of debarment because of REEL’s cooperation with the World Bank’s investigation, remedial actions, and “voluntary restraint” (voluntarily not bidding on any World Bank-financed projects during the pendency of the investigation).  Under the terms of the settlement, both REEL and Reddy are ineligible to participate in projects and operations financed by the World Bank.  As a condition for release from debarment, REEL agreed to develop and implement an integrity compliance program that reflects the principles in the World Bank Group Integrity Compliance Guidelines.  REEL also committed to continue cooperating fully with World Bank investigators.

World Bank Press Release