On May 31, 2023, the UK and Switzerland imposed new Somalia-related sanctions upon Abdullahi Osman Mohamed Caddow for his association with al-Shabaab, a Somalia-based terrorist group, just days after the United Nations Security Council Committee (“UNSCC”) sanctioned Caddow on May 26, 2023 pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Al-Shabaab. The UNSCC sanctioned Caddow on the same day that it updated notification requirements and the no-objection process related to the partial lifting of the arms embargo in relation to Somalia.
The UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation imposed an asset freeze against Caddow in accordance with The Somalia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulation 2020 (SI 2020/642), which targets those involved in serious human right violations and obstructs the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia; attacks diplomatic personnel in Somalia; misappropriates state funds or interferes with the transport and supply of military goods or technology in Somalia.
Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (“SECO”) sanctioned Caddow under an ordinance adopted by the Federal Council on March 4, 2016 that automatically applies UN Security Council sanctions.
OFSI Financial Sanctions Notice – Somalia | SECO Press Release | UN Security Council Press Release – Sanctions | UN Security Council Press Release – Implementation Notice