September 8, 2023

US Department of State releases plan to implement the US Strategy on Countering Corruption

The US Department of State recently announced the release of an implementation plan for the US Strategy on Countering Corruption, which was released by the Biden Administration in December 2021 to improve the US government’s ability to address global corruption that hinders economic growth and development, destabilizes governments and undermines democracy around the world.  Shortly after taking office, President Biden made countering corruption a foreign policy priority, and the Strategy was the result of an interagency study mandated by the President when he made countering corruption a core national security priority in the US.

The implementation plan outlines numerous activities that the State Department is taking to fight corruption around the world and reports the progress made towards the anti-corruption goals set in the Strategy.  The Department reports that the implementation plan was released on September 6, 2023 to coincide with the first day of the Open Government Partnership (“OGP) Global Summit just as the US prepares for a three-year term on the OGP Steering Committee.  The Department looks forward to collaborating with international partners as they continue to combat corruption and requests that any feedback on the implementation plan be sent to