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January 11, 2024

New Russia Sanctions Signal Paradigm Shift

On December 22, 2023, President Biden significantly increased the pressure on non-U.S. financial institutions doing business with Russia by signing Executive Order (“E.O.”) 14114. The Order amended prior Russia-related E.O.s authorizing sanctions related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Chief among these new measures is expansive new designation authority for the United States to impose sanctions on foreign financial institutions (“FFIs”) for engaging in certain categories of transactions in support of Russian activities. These new measures represent a significant extension of the Government’s sanctions authority and are a shot across the bow to any FFIs that may have thought they were outside the scope of U.S. sanctions on Russia. In this one-hour webinar, Willkie attorneys Britt Mosman, Bill Stellmach, Sean Sandoloski, and Joshua Nelson discuss these new sanctions and their implications for FFIs place, as well as what this aggressive new step augers for sanctions enforcement in 2024.

Speakers: Britt Mosman, Bill Stellmach, Sean Sandoloski and Joshua Nelson

Download the presentation materials here.

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New Russia Sanctions Signal Paradigm Shift