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July 18, 2024

Whistleblowers: US Regulatory Trends and Best Practices

The last few years have seen a steep rise in whistleblower complaints to federal agencies, driven in part by increasingly large bounties for whistleblowers.  The SEC’s whistleblower program continues to break records, and the CFTC has recently stepped up its enforcement of whistleblower protections.  These recent enforcement actions serve as a reminder that companies should undertake appropriate remediation to ensure that they are in compliance with Dodd-Frank’s whistleblower protections.  And the landscape is only going to get more crowded: DOJ is set to launch its own whistleblower rewards program later this year.  In this one hour CLE, Willkie attorneys Bill Stellmach, Neal Kumar, and Sean Sandoloski discuss these developments and provide practical guidance on best practices for successfully containing whistleblower risk.

Speakers:  William Stellmach, Neal Kumar, and Sean Sandoloski

Download the presentation materials here.

This course is approved for credit in the following states:

NY 1.0 CLE Ethics/Professionalism credit (transitional) appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys

CA 1.0 MCLE Ethics Participatory credit

IL 1.0 MCLE Professional Responsibility credit

GA 1.0 Ethics CLE credit

TX 1.0 MCLE Accredited Ethics credit

For CLE credit in New York, California, Illinois, Georgia or Texas, complete this form and submit it here.  For CLE credit in any other state, contact us.


Whistleblowers: US Regulatory Trends and Best Practices