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June 20, 2024

Short and Distort: Understanding and Responding to Short-Seller Reports

Attacks by activist short-sellers seeking to manipulate markets for a payday are ever increasing and the after-effects of these attacks linger long after a company’s share price recovers.  Drawing upon extensive experience helping companies address short-seller attacks, Willkie attorneys William Stellmach, Shaimaa Hussein, and Sean Sandoloski explore several topics, including activist short-sellers, the collateral consequences of their attacks, and how to successfully navigate these attacks – from a media, regulatory, and litigation perspective.

Speakers:  William Stellmach, Shaimaa Hussein, and Sean Sandoloski

Download the presentation materials here.

This course is approved for credit in the following states:

NY 1.0 CLE Professional Practice credit (transitional) appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys

CA 1.0 MCLE Participatory General credit

IL 1.0 MCLE General credit

TX 1.0 MCLE Accredited General credit

For CLE credit in New York, California, Illinois or Texas, complete this form and submit it here.  For CLE credit in any other state, contact us.


Short and Distort: Understanding and Responding to Short-Seller Reports