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December 14, 2021

The New National Security Investment Act: a Discussion with UK Government Officials

Deal Maker Briefing – a Discussion with UK Government Officials regarding the UK’s New Mandatory Investment Screening Regime

On January 4, 2022, the new National Security and Investment (NSI) Act will come into force.  It represents the biggest overhaul in 20 years of the UK’s system for screening investments for risks to national security.  The UK Government recently published additional guidance to assist businesses and their advisors to understand their legal duties under the NSI Act.  Among other rules, the new regime introduces a mandatory and suspensory filing regime for certain investments (including minority investments).  Failure to notify can void the transaction and lead to significant fines.

In this 45-minute Deal Maker Briefing, Willkie partners Phillipp Girardet and Rahul Saha are joined by representatives of the UK Government in a discussion of the Act and practical considerations of how to mitigate execution risks under the new NSI regime.


The National Security and Investment Act 2021 - a discussion with UK government officials