The Criminal Justice Act 1993 (CJA) as amended prohibits:

  • dealing in price-affected securities while in possession of inside information;
  • encouraging another to deal in price-affected securities while in possession of inside information; and
  • having inside information and disclosing it other than in the proper performance of employment, office, or profession.1
  • The dealing (i.e., the buying or selling or procuring the buying or selling by any other person)2 must relate to securities and markets specified in applicable legislation, see the Element: Applicable Instruments section for details.  Alternatively, the person dealing must be relying on a professional intermediary (such as a broker) or be acting as one himself.


Securities are price-affected, and information in relation to securities is price-sensitive, where information, if made public, would be likely to have a significant effect on the price of securities.

Criminal Justice Act 1993 (CJA), c. 36, § 52 (UK).

CJA § 55.

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